Books and Articles
The Board of Directors of the Friends of the Finnish Labour Temple have published extensively on Working-Class, Labour and Finnish-Canadian history. Below are a selection of those publications.
The Life and Times of Tinsmith Lindblad P.Mustapää
P.Mustapää was the pen name of Martti Haavio (1899-1973). His uniquely folkromatic style appealed to people, and his tinsmith Lindblad is unquestionably one of the best known and most beloved characters in Finnish poetry
Henriksson, Markku, Michel Beaulieu, Carmen Pekkarinen, and Mari-Anna Suurmunne, eds. Canada-Finland, Celebrating 2017: “A brave, hospitable, and altogether admirable people. Suomi-Kanada-seura/ Finnish-Canadian Society and Embassy of Canad to Finland, (2017)
Hard Work Conquers All: Building the Finnish Community in Canada
Michel Beaulieu, Harpelle Ronald N., and David Ratz, editors, Hard Work Conquers All: Building the Finnish Community in Canada, University of British Colombia Press, (2017)
Labouring Finns: Transnational Politics in Finland, Canada and the United States
Michel Beaulieu, Ronald Harpelle, and Jaimi Penny, editors, Turku: Institute for Migration, Siirtolaisuusinstituutti, (2011)
Definitions, and Directions in Finnish Language, Literature, and Culture, Journal of Finnish Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2
Ronald Harpelle and Michel Beaulieu, guest editors, Developments, (Winter, 2010)
Karelian Exodus: Finns in North America and Karelia During the Depression Era
Ronald Harpelle, Varpu Lindström and Alexis Pogorelskin editors, Journal of Finnish Studies/Aspasia Books, (2004)
Michel S. Beaulieu, Essays in Northwestern Ontario Working-Class History: Thunder Bay and Its Environs
Lakehead University, Centre for Northern Studies, (2009)
Labour at the Lakehead: Ethnicity, Socialism, and Politics, 1900-1935.
Beaulieu, Michel S. , Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2011.
North of Superior: An Illustrated History of Northwestern Ontario
Beaulieu, Michel S. and Chris Southcott. Toronto: James Lormier and Company, 2010.
Pulp Friction: Communities and the Forest Industry in a Globalized World
Harpelle, Ronald N. and Michel S. Beaulieu, eds. Thunder Bay: Centre for Northern Studies Press, 2012.
Beaulieu, Michel S. “Spittoon Philosophers or Radical Revolutionaries: The Canadian
Administration of the Industrial Workers of the World.” Ontario History 105:2 (Autumn 2013): 184-211.
Beaulieu, Michel S. “The Lakehead and Canada’s First Social Democratic Party: The Search
for Socialist Unity.” Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society Papers & Records 39 (2011): 29-54.
Nathan Hatton, “Wrestling, Immigration and Working Class Culture: The Finns of the Thunder Bay District before 1939.” In Hard Work Conquers All: The Finnish Canadian Experience, ed. Michel S. Beaulieu et. al. Vancouver: UBC Press. (forthcoming 2016)
Thrashing Seasons: Sporting Culture in Manitoba and the Genesis of Prairie Wrestling.
Nathan Hatton, University of Manitoba Press (2016)
Beaulieu, Michel S. “Lakeheadin yliopistossa mittava aineisto kanadansuomalaisista.” Akti:
Arkistolaitoksen asiakaslehti 2 (2010): 22-23.
Nathan Hatton, Rugged Game: Community, Culture, and Wrestling at the Lakehead to 1933.
Thunder Bay: Centre for Northern Studies Press, 2012.